Michaelis Collection

Marilyn Swift Studio

Cabin Art

Some Gallery System users . . .

“The system has been awesome. I'm really glad your product is out there. It's well made and everything you promised. Far superior to others on the market.”

Carol Parks Gallery
Carmel, California

“It's fast, flexible, easy to use and in a word: fantastic! No more holes in my gallery walls! I recommend it without hesitation.”

Marilyn Swift Studio
Gloucester, Massachusetts

“We wish to commend you for the simplicity and absolute practicality of the product.”

Lalani-Rachid Gallery
Montreal, Canada

With slim steel cables and tracks painted to match the walls, The Gallery System is barely visible.

Michaelis Collection at the South African National Gallery
Cape Town, South Africa

“It's fast to install and even faster in use. We hung a show in 2 hours that previously would have taken all day. And there's no wall repair when it comes down.”

Bob Pietlock, Platte River Art Services
Denver, Colorado

“Everyone loves hanging with this system.”

Elaine McIlroy, Library Director
Wellfleet, Massachusetts

“ It's simple, flexible, unobtrusive, inconspicuous and allows me to rearrange my art work as often as necessary.”

Jana Botkin, Cabin Art 
Exeter, California

  800-460-8703 • inquiries@gallerysystem.com

© Gallery System Art Displays, USA 2007